We meet at 10am every Sunday to worship God, learn from His Word together, observe communion as we remember the Lord’s death and resurrection, and build our relationships as we connect together over a cuppa.
Nothing can replace face to face
We encourage you to join with a heart expecting to worship our wonderful God and be encouraged and equipped to serve him better (Eph 4:11-12).
Worshipping together is a priority. We love to sing together, pray together, and every Sunday we celebrate communion together. We also love to hear from God’s word the Bible so every Sunday there is a teaching designed to be practical and help make the Bible relevant for today.
The service usually lasts about an hour, but sometimes might go a little longer. Coffee & tea are available in the café before and after the service. You are welcome to stay and chat.
If the church car park is full, there is more parking available in the carpark around the corner, behind Tuihana Cafe. Entry via Dominion Road.
Don't use Finance Now reserved car parks.
All children stay in the service for the first 20 minutes, then go to one of the following:
Parents Room: under 2 years available for parents with small children, or stay and play in the lounge. No supervision is provided. An audio feed is available in the parents room.
Kids Church
The Garden:
This is a space for 2-4 years olds on a Sunday morning, where they can learn about God in a fun and playful environment, through the café to Daystar Child Care Centre next door.
The Jungle:
Primary/intermediate school. School years 1–8 meet downstairs in the lower lounge. The Jungle is an extension of Sunday morning church, but prepared just for kids. It’s a place where school aged children can learn about Jesus and how to have a genuine relationship with him. The Jungle teaches the Word of God, focussing on Jesus - aiming for salvation, spiritual growth and heaps of fun and food!
School Holidays:
We have activity packs available for the children during school holidays.
Find out more about our Children's Ministry here.
Except for during January, you can view our service livestream at 10.20am from either our YouTube channel or Facebook page.
You can join in with observing communion if you have some bread and grape juice ready, remembering the Lord’s death and resurrection