Your privacy is a big deal to us. We are committed to the responsible collection, use and retention of personal information we hold in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. This Policy sets out how we collect, use, store, and disclose your personal information.  


The types of information we hold
The types of personal information we hold can include:  

  • name  

  • contact details (address, telephone numbers, email, etc)  

  • complaint details  

  • pastoral details  

  • donation history  

  • attendance  (special events, courses, kids church check in, etc)

  • credit card and/or bank account details  


Why we collect personal information
Eden Church is a not-for-profit Christian organisation [insert vision or mission statement]. We collect information about people and hold it so as to allow us to communicate with them, introduce them to our organisation, promote the Gospel to them, inform them of the work we do, pray for them and provide other Christian services to them.  We use this personal information to communicate with and provide pastoral support to the individual concerned. We might also use personal information for the following purposes:

  • for the immediate reason for which you have provided it (for example, to enable us to process a request, payment, registration, subscription, etc)  

  • to maintain contact with you about our work, to report about our work, or to encourage you to learn about what we do  

  • any other purpose directly related to our work and for which you have provided consent (where it is reasonably required by law)  

How we collect personal information
We may collect personal information from you directly or from third parties. Personal information we collect from third parties may be by formal or informal means.  We may collect personal information about you in the following ways:  

  • face to face contact  

  • electronically, including through our website and online surveys

  • social media messages or conversation  

  • during phone calls  

  • voice or image recordings  

  • whilst delivering and administering services

  • forms and other correspondence (both in writing and electronically)   

Accessing and correcting personal information  
It is vital that personal information is complete, up to date and accurate. You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us:

When you request access or correction, we will ask you to provide some form of identification so that we can ensure you are the person to whom the information relates. We will endeavour to respond within 20 working days.  


Securing personal information
We take all reasonable steps to ensure the security of personal information we hold and to protect it against loss, misuse or unauthorised access, destruction, use, modification or disclosure. Personal information will only be kept for as long as necessary to achieve the purpose it was collected for.  Our IT systems are password protected and comply with applicable security standards. Only authorised staff and contractors are permitted to access these details. It is our policy to permanently anonymise personal information where reasonable and possible; and destroy personal information once there is no longer a legal or business need for us to retain it.  


You may request that you be dealt with anonymously, provided that is it lawful and practicable. We will try to accommodate a request for anonymity wherever possible, however we note that in some circumstances, this may prevent us from practically and effectively communicating with you.  


Personal health information
As part of our services, we may collect personal health information (such as your medical conditions to determine your eligibility to participate in certain initiatives). When collecting personal health information, we will obtain consent to such collection and explain how the information will be used and disclosed.  We will not use personal health information beyond the consent provided, unless further consent is obtained or in accordance with one of the exceptions under the Privacy Act 1993 and the Health Information Privacy Code 1994 or in accordance with any applicable law. If we use personal health information for research or statistical purposes, it will be anonymised if practicable to do so.  


Visits to our websites are recorded and logged. The following data is collected anonymously and supplied by the Service User’s browser: 

  • IP address and/or domain name

  • operating system (type of browser and platform)

  • date, time and length of the visit to the website resources and pages accessed and the

  • documents downloaded  

This information is used to compile statistical information about the use of our website. It is not used for any other purpose. If you do not want cookies to be used, please adjust your browser settings to disable them.  


Links to other websites
Our website may contain links to third party websites, and third party websites may also have links to our website. This Privacy Policy does not cover third party websites. We encourage you to read the relevant privacy policy of any website visited from our website.