I am based in Auckland and work for Athletes in Action, who aim to give people in sport an opportunity to hear and respond to Jesus through the gospel. Teaching them how to grow and own their faith in Jesus and learn how to blend faith and sport together. Followed by equipping them to reach their peers, team mates, friends, family with the hope and love of Jesus, both in sport and beyond.

"There’s a spiritual explosion amongst young NZ adults! If sport, study, idealised lifestyle etc… is all they have, where else can they go when they don’t meet these hard standards?

I want to give those in sport an opportunity to hear about knowing Jesus personally. Helping them to find who they are in Jesus, to worship Jesus in  sport and grow in Christian community. Equipping them with the heart to reach their peers, team mates, friends, family with the hope and love of Jesus, both in sport and beyond.”
